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The Magic City

I love my city. It has a rich history -- some good and some bad, but it is home and the people here are some of the finest you would ever want to meet. Birmingham is small enough to not be overwhelming but large enough to have plenty to offer. For those who don't know about our great town, I look forward to introducing you to it through my my books. For those who are familiar, you may learn some fun facts about the city through my books. I live and work here so I hope you enjoy and I hope to see you here soon!

The art work here is part of the book cover design and is the sign that marks the Rotary Trail that runs along 1st Avenue South through the city. The sign pays homage to a similar one that stood outside the majestic train station, Terminal Station, that greeted arrivals to our fare city throughout the 20th Century. Unfortunately, the station was demolished in 1969 but the memories of those who passed that way will never be forgotten.

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